Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gilt Event Leaves Concert Goers Hungry

The official launch event for GiltCity Dallas was a concert featuring the band Foster the People at at the House of Blues in the city's West End. It provided a good chance to get out, and get a look at the great concert space that is House of Blues.

Through the web site, concert goers were treated to the concert, "lite-bites" and complimentary beer and wine between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. The event was very well attended, and seemed to be near capacity when the band began performing almost a half hour late, around 9:30.

Unfortunately in terms of food, we had the previous "unofficial" GiltCity event at the Clothier Billy Reid in Highland Park Village to compare it to. There we were treated at mini-cherry pies, pork biscuits, macaroni and cheese and other goodies. At the House of Blues event "lite bites" were almost non-existent. No sooner would a hostess bring a tray onto the floor than would a swarm of hungry concert-goers getting more tipsy by the minute rape the platter of its contents.

Potato chips were available at the bar for $3.00 and we were told pizzas and other snack foods would be available in the lobby. They eventually were available when the clock was approaching nine, but then the line was so long there was little hope of pizza hitting the mouth before the concert began.

It was also annoying the complimentary became $7 several minutes before the advertised 9:00 end time.

That's not to say the concert and beverages weren't worth the $10 entry fee. Next time I'll be sure to eat first.

1 comment:

  1. The music is too loud. If this defines what Gen Y is, then they are a generation of lost hearing.
